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<p>Rock mechanics is a vital decision-making tool for insuring economic benefits in all phases of petroleum reservoir development. Petroleum Rock Mechanics introduces the fundamentals of solid mechanics and applies them to oil and gas related drilling and well operation and completion problems.</p><p>Crude oil is usually found in underground areas called reservoirs. It is liquid in nature and yellowish black in colour. They are composed mainly of hydrocarbons and organic compounds. They are usually discovered by oil prospecting scientists. Often petroleum and crude oil are used to mean the same thing but petroleum itself is a broad range of petroleum products including crude oil too. We use the term ‘petroleum products’ after crude oil is refined in a factory. Crude oil can exist either deep down in the earth’s surface or deep below the ocean beds. Oil drills mounted in the oceans are known as offshore drills In oil drilling a structure called ‘derrick’ is built with pipes going down to the reservoir and bringing the oil to the surface.</p><p>This book is based on extensive professional experience and research make it very useful to both students as well as professionals from the industry especially mining and geological engineers civil and structural engineers geophysicists amongst others.</p>