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A unique feature of James Comers school improvement is the comprehensiveness of his ecological approach It necessarily involves all of the key players in each individual school setting and provides guidelines for their interaction The domain of educational change is not without good ideas, but it is rare tfind them translated intthe substance and strategies necessary tgetting them intschool practices This handbook will help enormously tkeep alive what James Comer and his colleagues have scarefully crafted over the years - John I Goodlad, President, Institute for Educational Inquiry For more than 35 years, the Yale School Development Program (SDP) has been pioneering the Comer Process for planned change in schools From initial planning and preparation, through foundation building, transformation, institutionalization, and renewal, the Comer Process provides school leaders with a comprehensive and effective framework for transforming their schools and districts intlearning communities that support the growth and development of every child and every adult