15 Years JEE Main Solved Papers (2024-2010)| Rasayan Solved Papers for JEE Main| In Chapterwise Manner With Detailed Solution

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Author: Swati Bhadoria
Publisher: Arihant Publications India Limited
ISBN-10: 9364370333
ISBN-13: 9789364370332
Publishing year: july 24
No of pages: 263
Weight: 394 grams
Book binding: Paperback

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<p>BOOK STRUCTURE</p><p>24 chapters covered in Classwise manner</p><p>BOOK FEATURES</p><p>Only JEE main solved paper book with difficulty level wise solved questions</p><p>Segregation of question papers in Chapterwise&nbsp; Topicwise manner</p><p>Practice MCQs are based on frequently asked concepts</p><p>Solutions to all the questions are kept in detailed and accurate manner</p><p>Key Idea&nbsp; &nbsp;Concept Enhancer &amp; Alternate/Time Saver Techniques given in solutions</p><p>WHY THIS BOOK?</p><p>Designed with last 15 years (2010&nbsp; 2024) solved papers for JEE Main of Rasayan</p><p>The most authentic collection of online &amp; offline papers of JEE Main &amp; AIEEE</p><p>Preparation strategy &amp; trend analysis given in the QR code</p><p>Makes the students well&nbsp; versed with the pattern and level of questions asked in the exam</p>