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Clinical Methods in Ophthalmology A Practical Manual for Medical Students

₹755.25 M.R.P.:₹ 795.00 You Save: ₹39.75  (5.00% OFF)
• Comprehensive review for undergraduates and quick review for postgraduates. • History taking with clinically structured questionnaire for each case. • Detailed case discussion with explanation of clinical problems. • Comprehensive coverage with emphasis on clinical application. • A straightforward and easy-to-use guide for the students of Ophthalmology course to grasp key information quickly and prepare for examinations effectively

Practical Manual of Histology for Medical Students

₹522.50 M.R.P.:₹ 550.00 You Save: ₹27.50  (5.00% OFF)
• Updated color atlas of histology with identification points • Photographic pictures of each slide with hand-drawn diagrams of good quality, for correlation< • A special concentration on all the important examination slides with three identification points for each • Increase in the size of the book for better reading • Advanced graphics and printing skills for good visualization and understanding of the concepts • Useful for both theory and practical examinations by universities

Practical Histology for Medical Students

₹427.50 M.R.P.:₹ 450.00 You Save: ₹22.50  (5.00% OFF)
• Information on preparation and staining of tissues given in introduction. • Optical microscope and its proper handling and general care have been added. • Functions of the cells and organ added in brief. • Written in a very simple and lucid language. • Consists of two sections dealing with tissues and organs. • Provides sufficient spaces to sketch diagrams for practical purposes. • Covers various histological slides under light microscope. • Structures of cells and glands added for short review. • Helpful for quick revision. • Very useful for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Atlas & Synopsis of Neonatology (Indian Academy of Pediatrics: Neonatology Chapter)

₹1,187.50 M.R.P.:₹ 1,250.00 You Save: ₹62.50  (5.00% OFF)
• Up-to-date information. </br></br>• Covers over 300 neonatal topics. </br></br>• Divided into eight sections - Normal Newborn, Clinical Phenomenon, Skin Disorders, Infections, Systemic Disorders, Malformations, Associations & Genetic Disorders, Iatrogenic Disorders and Miscellaneous. </br></br>• Each topic provides brief description of the photograph and provides information on the disorder covering etiopathogenesis, clinical features, investigations, differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. </br></br>• An essential book for teaching, self-learning clinical neonatology. </br></br>• More than 600 superb quality color photographs of common and uncommon neonatal conditions.

Last Minute Revision: Biochemistry

₹522.50 M.R.P.:₹ 550.00 You Save: ₹27.50  (5.00% OFF)
• The book provides a new approach and horizon to PGMEE preparation • The new edition provides not only an addition of few hundred new questions but also each line of the book is completely revised and updated, based on the latest editions of various standard textbooks every time. • Subject has been divided into theory and MCQs portions and further subdivided into chapters and subchapters according to their topics • Updated concepts and thoroughly revised • The book is more interesting and user-friendly • Written in a simple language, explanations are clear and presentation is very systematic • Useful for All India, DNB, AIIMS, PGI, GMGE and other state level examinations.

Essentials of Practical Microbiology

₹470.25 M.R.P.:₹ 495.00 You Save: ₹24.75  (5.00% OFF)
• It is a clinical microbiology practical book, problem-based exercise IPSE) kept at the beginning of each chapter: After reading this book, the students will have a bird's eye view of how to diagnose infectious diseases clinically followed by laboratory diagnosis. • First microbiology book written in class-wise pattern according to undergraduate practical schedule: - Will help the teacher: To know what to teach during a practical class, what to keep for demonstration during the practical class and also will give the teacher a holistic approach to make the yearly practical schedule. - Will help the student: To know what to read during a practical class, what to write in the records and what to read during MBBS university practical examination. • Separate chapter for university practical examination showing the pattern of various universities. • Images: >600 images, kept according to the demonstrations of practical class.

Snapshots in Ear, Nose & Throat Head and Neck Surgery

₹1,420.25 M.R.P.:₹ 1,495.00 You Save: ₹74.75  (5.00% OFF)
• Explains all the topics in a simple and concise manner • The material are easily grasped and give readymade help to interns, residents, consultants and in particular, undergraduate students during patient management • Useful during preparation of university examination or postgraduate entrance examination • It is a very simplified version of the large volume textbook • The book will help acquire mastery in the subject over a quick period of time.

Gastroenterology MCQs for Postgraduate and Superspecialty Medical Entrance Examinations (Based on 20th Edition of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine)

₹850.25 M.R.P.:₹ 895.00 You Save: ₹44.75  (5.00% OFF)
• A comprehensive and authentic question bank on Gastroenterology. </br></br>• Designed for Postgraduate and Superspecialty Medical Entrance Examinations. </br></br>• It is based on 20th Edition of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine </br></br>• Contains 2552 multiple choice questions. </br></br>• This book caters to medical professionals at all levels.

Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) Book Review in Ophthalmology

₹945.25 M.R.P.:₹ 995.00 You Save: ₹49.75  (5.00% OFF)
• Thoroughly revised and updated edition. </br></br>• Useful for written and viva-voce examinations. </br></br>• Covers all the aspects of OSPE, e.g. questioning pattern, answering technique, OSPE on examining procedure, OSPE on counseling, OSPE on history taking, etc. </br></br>• NEW: Contains 390 OSPE questions and answers. </br></br>• NEW: Answers of OSPE added at the end of each chapter for convenient reading. </br></br>• NEW: Includes 80 problem-based questions. </br></br>• NEW: Added a new chapter on “Video Station” containing answers of 28 video clips, available online at </br></br>• Includes images of Biometry, A-scan, visual field analysis, optical coherence tomography (OCT), Electro-oculography (EOG), color fundus photographs, B-scan, fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), X-ray, CT scan, MRI, etc. for preparation of viva exam. </br></br>• Postgraduate students will be immensely benefited from this new edition.

Concise Pocket Medical Dictionary

₹712.50 M.R.P.:₹ 750.00 You Save: ₹37.50  (5.00% OFF)
This most comprehensive dictionary gives all the important and major terms in concise form on which detailed information are required by the readers, especially medical students, nurses, pharmacists, laboratory and other paramedical professionals. This edition is fully revised and multicolored. All entries have been revised and updated for this new edition to reflect the very latest in medical knowledge and practice. In addition, the dictionary comes with several colorful illustrations, pronunciations and etymologies for the readers to understand the complex medical terminologies. It defines terms in anatomy, physiology, medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, biochemistry and genetics, as well as in all the major medical and surgical specialties. Though concise, it incorporates most commonly used terms and vocabulary mentioned in any large-sized dictionary. The most common pharmaceutical products available in the market have been included, allowing an easy reference to these products in a concise form. It is the most authoritative and most up-to-date reference book. In addition to medical students and technicians, practitioners of medicine, teachers and all other professionals engaged in health care and delivery will also find it a useful reference and a convenient source of information.