Mancur Olson was a renowned economist known for his influential work in political economy and public choice theory. His research focused on collective action, institutional economics, and the role of government in economic development. His groundbreaking books, such as The Logic of Collective Action and Power and Prosperity, have shaped modern economic and political thought. Satu Kahkonen is an economist specializing in governance, institutional reforms, and economic policy. She has contributed to research on economic development, particularly in emerging economies, and has worked with global organizations to promote sustainable growth. ... Read more Read less
Buy A Not So Dismal Science A Broader View of Economies and Societies online at Sriina This book by Mancur Olson and Satu Kahkonen offers deep insights into economic and social structures Perfect for students researchers and professionals looking to explore economic principles in a broader context Shop now at an affordable price and enhance your knowledge with this must read book Sriina ensures fast delivery and a seamless shopping experience Get your copy today
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