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<p><b>Contents</b>- Elements of Statics, Stresses in Trusses (Analytical Methods), Graphical Methods, Stress, Strain, Elasticity, Bars of Composite Section Temperature Stresses, Poisson's Ratio, Thin Pressure Vessel, Strain Energy, Shearing Force and Bending Moment, Bending Stresses, Beams of Two Materials Eccentric Loading, Distribution of Shear Stress, Resilience Due to Bending, Torsion of Circular Shafts, The Deflection of Beams, Slope and Deflection from B.M. Diagram, Deflection by Strain Energy Method, Riveted and Welded Joints, Columns, Principal Stresses, Principal Strains, Dams and Retaining Walls, Thick Cylindrical Shells, Fixed Beams, Continuous Beams, Reinforced Concrete, Deflection of Trusses, Stresses in Redundant Trusses, Arches, Influence Lines (IL), Moment Distribution.</p>