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This book provides the most informed and transformative blueprint known for building the capacity of teacher coaches and supervisors Districts across Texas are using the Downey Walk-Through tbreak through the barrier of the isolated classroom and provide a platform for improved dialogue about teaching and learning - Susan P Holley, Associate Executive Director, Texas Association of School Administrators In 2004, The Three-Minute Classroom Walk-Through introduced educators tthe Downey Walk-Through, a practical approach tcoaching and supervision that is now widely accepted and used Offering an expanded examination of the Downey Walk-Through, this sequel tthe bestseller focuses on the second part of the walk-through—the reflective follow-up conversation—and clarifies many of the common misconceptions and misapplications of the approach The authors illustrate how leaders can use observations from the walk-through tengage in professional conversations and encourage teachers treflect on and improve their practice Offering extended examples, activities, and guidelines for changing schools one teacher at a time, this resource shows school leaders how to: - Provide effective follow-up discourse without criticizing or demoralizing teachers - Build collegial and respectful relationships with faculty members - Help teachers see their power tbecome continuously improving professionals - Foster a collaborative process between headteachers, teachers, and other instructional leaders