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Contents General Concepts, Analysis of Interminate Beams, Elastic
Theorems and Energy Principles, Deflection of Statically Determinate Structures,
Strain Energy Method, Slope Deflection Method, Moment Distribution Method, Column
Analogy Method, Elastic Centre Method, Redundant Frames, Approximate Analysis
of Multi-storey Frames, Influence Lines for Statically Indeterminate Beams, Two
Hinged Arch, Fixed Arches, Cables and Suspension Bridges, Dams, Retaining Walls
and Chimneys, Plastic Analysis of Structures, Statically Determinate
Pin-jointed Space Structures, Statically Indeterminate Pin-jointed Space
Structures, Beams Curved in Plan, Structural Dynamics, Fatigue, Objective Type
Questions, Appendices, Index, Bibliography.