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'Aspects of Labour Welfare and Social Security' is in Three parts. I feel highly delighted in placing before my readers the revised and enlarged edition of Aspects of Labour Welfare and Social Security. Certain topics have been elaborated and the latest amendments in different social security enactments and recent case law on the same have been incorporated to make the book up-to-date. Three new chapters added: - Disaster Management (Chapter 15) - Labour Law Reforms (Chapter 28) - The Code On Social Security 2020 (Chapter 29) Contents : Part I - LABOUR WELFARE 1. Philosophy of Labour Welfare 2. Historical Development of Labour Welfare 3. Labour Inspection System 4. Statutory Welfare Provisions 5. Voluntary Welfare Measures 6. Labour Welfare Funds 7. Industrial Housing 8. Industrial Safety 9. Industrial Health 10. Industrial Hygiene 11. Stress at Work 12. Manpower Training and Employment 13. Workers Education Scheme 14. Industrial Social Work 15. Disaster Management 16. Social Responsibilities of Industry and Trade Unions 17. Environmental Pollution and Protection 18. Welfare of Unorganized Labour 19. Sexual Harassment at Workplace 20. International Labour Organisation − In Pursuit of Labour Welfare Part II - SOCIAL SECURITY 21. Scheme of Social Security 22. Social Security for the Unorganised Workers 23. The Employees' Compensation Act, 1923 24. The Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948 25. The Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 26. The Provident Fund Legislation for Coal Mines, Tea Plantations, and Seamen 27. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 28. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 Part III - NATIONAL LABOUR CODES 29. Labour Law Reforms 30. The Code on Social Security 2020 Part IV - APPENDICES Appendix A : Labour Laws (Salient Features) Appendix B : ESIC - Ensuring Social Security and Touching the Lives of Millions of India's Workforce Appendix C : Canteen Survey ... Read more Read less