Basic Electrical Engineering

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Author: Ritu Sahdev

Publisher: Khanna Publishing

Edition: first Edition

ISBN-10: 9386173492

ISBN-13: 9789386173492

Publishing year: 2022

No of pages: 324

Weight: 450 grams

Book binding: Paperback

Qty :

Ritu Sahdev

Although, a number of books, written by various authors on the subject are available in the market. However, the author feels that this book will facilitate the students not only to prepare for the regular University examinations. The book is also quite suitable for the professionals since many live examples have been incorporated. The book has the following exclusive features: (i) The Learning objectives of each chapter have been incorporated in the beginning to develop curiosity among the students.

(ii) Practice exercise have been added in all the chapters after suitable intervals to impart necessary practice.

(iii) At the end of each chapter, its summary highlights are given. This will enable the students to revise the subject matter quickly.

(iv) A number of short answer and test questions have been given at the end of each chapter. While answering these questions, the readers will have to think deep into the subject matter. This will improve their analytical approach. Consequently, the students/readers will be in position to respond in a better  way while appearing before the selection board or to deal with practical problems.

(v) A sufficient number of objective type questions (MCQ) have been given at the end of each chapter. These questions will help the students to perform better in the competitive examinations.

(vi) The subject matter is treated in a simple and lucid manner so that an average student can understand the subject easily. Although, typical mathematical expressions are avoided but simple mathematical relations are used for better explanation and understanding.

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