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The book Business Research Methodology has been written as per Indian University Syllabus. The book covers both theoretical explanations and quantitative techniques of research required in business. The contents include chapters like defining research problem, development of research methods, research designs, problems of measurement, problems of validity, sampling techniques, qualitative and quantitative analysis, report writing etc. Chapters like case study method, survey, focus group discussion and multivariate analysis are add-ons explaining the techniques in detail, but in a simple way. A unique feature of the book is sub-chapters 'How to do', after every chapter. It is Learning by discussion. Two research scholars 'Jolly and Dolly' discuss the issues in research in a sample language. Fifteen research projects contributed by research scholars from various colleges and universities are discussed and analyzed by these research scholars. It is learning by role play method. Contents : 1. Business Research Methods 2. Development of Research Methodology 3. Defining Research Problem 4. Generalization in Research 5. Research Plan 6. Data Collection 7. Sampling Techniques 8. Qualitative Research 9. Quantitative Analysis 10. Report Writing 11. Use of Computer Software in Data Analysis 12. More Sample Research Projects 13. Appendices 14. Index to Subjects