S. C.Bhatia is a Chemical Engineer with Management qualifications. He has worked in leading petrochemical industries in the production and quality control units with many years of sincere hard work to his credit. A prolific writer and dedicated researcher he found time to author numerous books on chemical and allied subjects such as solvents industrial oils and petrochemicals. His books fruition of painstaking scholarship have been widely acclaimed. Actively associated with plastic and rubber industry he has participated in many seminars related to rubber plastics and environmental sciences. He has specialized in air and water pollution energy conservation rubber plastics and various other petrochemical fields. He is currently a consultant for matters relating to pollution energy conservation which reveals his concern about the hazards endangering the environment. ... Read more Read less
The salient features of this revised edition are considerable changes and addition have been made. in the entire text to clear the points that were not apparent or needed additional information for better understanding. Some .chapter have been completely overhauled and rewritten with the inclusion of additional and latest technology.
In fact energy consumption has become synonymous with socio-economic development. A nation which generates and consumes energy many times more than the human or animal muscle-power is considered developed. Keeping this in mind an additional chapter on Energy conservation chemical process industries has been added. This volume dealing with inorganic aspects the first volume of the comprehensive textbook on chemical process industries. This invaluable model textbook is specifically intended for B.E./ B.Tech institutions which offer courses in Chemical Engineering in India including the Indian Institutes of Technology and its primary aim is to provide an exhaustiye coverage of principles and concepts which form the basis of chemical process engineering.