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Civic sense is nothing but social ethics. It is consideration by the people for the unspoken norms of society. A lot of people assume that civic sense is just about keeping the roads, streets and public property clean. But civic sense is more than that; it has to do with law-abiding, respect for fellow men and maintaining decorum in public places. A lot of foreign countries function in a smooth manner because of the strong civic sense amongst its people. With the exception of a couple of lessons in school, not a lot of attention is given to civic behaviour. Schools and homes do not teach their children about the importance of civic sense and how it could make a difference to the quality of their lives as well as the society. But this attitude could be harmful for India in the long run. Civic sense has dropped to an all-time low in recent years, as is rather obvious from the current state of society. Author in this book covers an overview of civic sense and strategies of how it can be imbibed into the minds of youths who are going to be tomorrows managers and leaders. The book have given a comparative perspective of how its being followed in developed countries like USA and Australia. The book also has exercise and exhibits which would facilitate faculties to guide students in a better way from application perspective. Content 1. Civic Responsibility 2. The Need for Civic Responsibility in Service Learning 3. Interrelationship between Civic Sense and Citizenship 4. Application of Civic Responsibility 5. Personality, Attitudes and Work Behaviors 6. Behaviour and Attitudes 7. The Need for Social and Emotional Learning 8. Global Trends in Civic Education 9. Family and Civic Engagement Team Roles and Responsibilities 10. The Role of Civic Engagement and Social Accountability in the Governance Equation 11. Business Etiquette 12. Role of Government Coordination in Civic Engagement: Experience of Queensland, Australia 13. Rethinking Civic Ed