Jnanesh S. Rayapati is currently Assistant Professor of Anatomy at Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center Bangalore Karnataka India. Earlier he was Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Histology St. Matthews University School of Medicine Grand Cayman Cayman Islands British West Indies. An accomplished teacher he is now Co-Editor of Anatomica Karnataka the official journal of Karnataka Chapter of Anatomists. ... Read more Read less
The book provides the medical students a concise yet sufficient material on gross and clinical anatomy. Written in a simple language in a point format the prominent and important points have been highlighted in bold or rendered in colour for the convenience of the readers.
It provides enough information for those wishing to refresh their knowledge of anatomy. Unnecessary details have been omitted. The book will be of benefit to the undergraduate students preparing for their professional examinations as a tool for rapid review and easy recall. It aims to serve as a handy review for students preparing for examinations like USMLE PLAB and all India and state postgraduate entrance. The book focuses on material that is most likely to be tested in these examinations. Students of dental sciences allied health sciences and nursing will also find it as a useful resource.