NK Jain is an author of Controlled And Novel Drug Delivery 2Ed (Hb 2024).
Assuring the quality, efficacy, safety and affordability of pharmaceutical formulations is the greatest challenge before the pharmaceutical manufacturers as well as the regulators. Drug delivery to the target site, tissue, cell or receptor is another goal to be realized and students must appreciate these concepts. We have made remarkable progress but are still far away from the realization of the ideal drug delivery.
Controlling the fate of drug release administered into the body by any route has always been a fascinating challenge to pharmaceutical researchers. Simultaneously, optimization of drug delivery by maximizing the therapeutic benefit and minimizing the unwanted effects of drugs in the body has been the ultimate goal of pharmaceutical scientists over the decades. Precisely, this is aimed to realize the concept of Magic Bullet by Paul Ehrlich.
This led to the evolution of concepts of controlled and novel drug delivery as against the conventional drug delivery that results into unintended protracted blood level concentrations leading to therapeutic disadvantages.
The first edition of Controlled and Novel Drug Delivery was published in 1997. As such the area of controlled and novel drug delivery is undergoing transformation at a faster pace. Hence the second edition of this book has been enthusiastically brought out to encompass the recent developments. All the chapters have been contributed by knowledgeable authors who are experts in their own fields and hence readers are assured of up-to-date information in all the areas of controlled and novel drug delivery.