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I found the examples and clear language, the pedagogical features, and the research base tbe excellent - Janet Whitley, Tarleton State University I think the sample dialogues will be very helpful for teachers Having a script will assist pre-service and in-service teachers think about the kinds of conversation they will need tengage in their students in tpromote learning - Jacqueline A Norris, The College of New Jersey Cooperative Learnings greatest strengths are bringing together a range of powerful teaching strategies connected tstudents taking responsibility for their own learning and the learning of others The focus on both teacher strategies tencourage effective group talk and student strategies tencourage effective discourse is helpful This book will be enormously useful tteacher educators and those working with beginning teachers - Nancy L Markowitz, San Jose State University Robyn Gillies really knows her stuff She is clearly conversant with major themes in the field and cites relevant literature and research The chapters provide good coverage of themes - Susan Carol Losh, Florida State University Although cooperative learning is widely endorsed as a pedagogical practice that promotes learning and socialization among students, teachers still struggle with how tintroduce it inttheir classrooms This book aims tovercome the challenges by: - detailing how teachers can establish cooperative learning in their classrooms tpromote student engagement and learning - elaborating on how teachers discourse can challenge childrens thinking and scaffold their learning - outlining how tpromote student discourse during small group experiences - providing explicit examples of the link between theory, research, and practice