Creating and Sustaining Small Learning Communities

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Author: Grace M Sammon
Publisher: Corwin
Edition: 2nd Edition
ISBN-13: 9781412937894
Publishing year: October 2007
No of pages: 248
Weight: 940 grm
Language: English
Book binding: Hardcover

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High school reform expert, consultant, and author, Grace Sammon, offers district and school leaders a step-by-step approach tthe work of redesigning high schools intsmaller learning communities This book moves education leaders and school reformers from an appreciation of creating smaller learning communities tthe nuts and bolts of doing the work while making improvements in school culture, professional practice, data gathering and analysis, and academic achievement In addition, it provides a full CD-Rom tool kit for developing, sustaining, and evaluating a successful small learning community This resource and collection of tools are essential for school leaders serious about small learning communities and continuous improvement