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In Encounters on the Opposite Coast Markus Vink provides a narrative of the first half century of crosscultural interaction between the Dutch East India Company (VOC) one of the great northern European chartered companies and Madurai one of the ‘great southern Nayakas’ and successorstates of the Vijayanagara empire in southeast India (c. 16451690). A shared interest in trade and at times converging political objectives formed the unstable foundations for a complex relationship fraught with tensions a mixture of conflict and coexistence typical of the ‘age of contained conflict’. Drawing extensively on archival materials Markus Vink covers a topic neglected by both Company historians and their Indian counterparts and sheds important light on a ‘black hole in South Indian history’. About the Author Markus P.M. Vink Ph.D. (1998) University of Minnesota is Professor of History at The State University of New York at Fredonia. He has published monographs and numerous articles on the Indian Ocean World including The MerchantWarrior Pacified (OUP 1991) and Mission to Madurai (Manohar 2012).
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