Essentials of Business Finance

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Author: Srivastava & Verma
Publisher: Himalaya Publishing House
Edition: 8th Edition
ISBN-13: 9789352029266
Publishing year: 2016
No of pages: 678
Weight: 224 grm
Language: English
Book binding: Paperback

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Comprehensively revised, innovated and updated, the present text is gravid with following immanent features: - The entire text in its revised format has been restructured into Eight Sections and Forty-six Chapters. - Almost all the Chapters have been thoroughly revised in order to incorporate the latest developments in the sphere of financial system. - Section V of the text has been recast and its Eight Chapters rewritten so as to expose the learners to the recent developments in Indian financial markets. - Learning objectives at the beginning of every chapter have been outlined to enable the learners to identify key points and ideas contained therein. - Summary at the chapter end provides terse view of the crucial idea embodied in the chapter. - Key terms in every chapter after the summary provide eloquent understanding of various dimensions of business finance. - Quite a large number of illustrations have been added in many chapters to ease understanding of the comples concepts and theories. The revised edition of the book will be extremely useful to practising managers and learners of the commerce, management and other professional programme. Contents : PART I INTRODUCTION PART II TECHNIQUES OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS PART III PLANNING FUNDS REQUIREMENTS PART IV SOURCES AND FORMS OF FINANCE PART V INSTITUTIONAL FINANCING PART VI NEW MODES OF FINANCING PART VII WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT PART VIII DIVIDEND POLICY IN BUSINESS