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Awareness of various methods of safety management is critical to managing productivity and operational effectiveness in organisations. Many studies have confirmed that employees who understand the significance, role and implications of safety management at work place, work more productively. Knowledge of fundamentals of safety performance, accident prevention methods, safety education and training, employee participation in safety and human factors is the key to reduce the risk of failures in the achievement of strategic objectives of an organisation. This book comprehensively covers the basic aspects of safety management. The contents will benefit all those who are concerned in managing safety by initiating appropriate measures. Especially, the students of safety management courses will benefit in understanding the essentials of safety management in various working environments. Contents : 1. Industrial Safety Management - An Introduction 2. Planning for Safety 3. Organising Safety 4. Directing for Safety 5. Monitoring Safety and Health 6. Accident Prevention 7. Safety Education and Training 8. Employee Participation in Safety 9. Organisational Behaviour - Human Factors in Safety