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An intelligent book about serious issues in public relations: accountability, responsibility, transparency, loyalty, truthtelling, and fairness It should be required reading in boardrooms, in PR classrooms, and at the Pentagon - Jay Black, Editor, Journal of Mass Media Ethics Fills an important need at a time when the credibility of public relations (and some public relations practitioners and public relations firms) is under attack In a manner that is never preachy or dogmatic, Fitzpatrick and Bronstein have put together a series of essays that have application across the public relations spectrum They are sure tbe informative and instructive both tlong-time professionals and candidates for entry-level positions - Harold Burson, Founding Chairman, Burson Marstellar Both highly readable and long overdue Fitzpatrick and Bronstein have produced a thoughtful, thorough, and very practical look at the ethical dimensions of public relations, not just in theory, but in everyday practice The essays are sharp, witty, on-point and highly pragmatic Their examples are relevant, their anecdotes purposeful Given the state of the profession these days, its difficult tsee how students of public relations could call themselves current without first reading this smart collection of essays - James S ORourke IV, Professor and Director, The Eugene D Fanning Center for Business Communication, University of Notre Dame Fitzpatrick and Bronstein have for every public relations professional established a foundation tpractice advocacy ethically Practice settings may change, but Fitzpatrick and Bronstein demonstrate that the individual professional has an ongoing ethical imperative tadvocate responsibly Fitzpatricks discussion of the PRSA Code of Ethics concept of advocacy (which she helped draft) breaks new and helpful ground, bringing clarity and substance tthis crucial ingredient of most public relations practice - James E Lukaszewski, Chairman and President, The Lukaszewski Group Inc Ethics in Public Relations: Responsible Advocacy is the first book tidentify universal principles of responsible advocacy in public relations In this engaging book, editors Kathy Fitzpatrick and Carolyn Bronstein bring together prominent authorities in the field taddress theoretic and practical issues that illustrate the broad scope and complexity of responsible advocacy in 21st-century public relations The collection explores such matters as the fragile line between ethical and legal public relations practices, ethical challenges in building relationships with increasingly diverse publics, the requirements of ethical advocacy online, ethical accountability in organizational settings, the special ethical obligations of nonprofit groups, and ethical mandates in cross-border public relations ... Read more Read less