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I wish Id had this book forty years agwhen I first started teaching Everything But Teaching, with its moving anecdotes, pragmatic examples, and incisive observations, is the teachers version of the Boy Scout Handbook—the ideal guide for teaching purposely without getting lost or sidetracked It is perfect for new teacher orientation and veteran teachers —Patrick F Bassett, President , National Association of Independent Schools Stephen Valentine knows teaching through and through Here he packs a huge message inta short space I urge anyone whcares about schools, students, learning, or teaching tread this gem of a book —Edward Hallowell, Consultant The Hallowell Center Every teacher knows that what happens before and after class is as important as what happens during class This accessible resource gives all teachers indispensable tips for managing professional priorities outside the classroom and saving energy for the most essential part of their work: teaching students Real-life vignettes, planning sheets, and other templates, illustrate how tmaster the multitasking demands of the teaching life, including: - Planning time wisely - Tailoring grading practices tprovide clear feedback - Holding productive meetings with students, parents, or colleagues - Keeping and using records effectively - Corresponding with grace, tact, and detail - Processing information and refining procedures - Embracing new professional learning opportunities