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<p><span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"An Ordinary Hindi Speaking Person, after learning English speaking and writing through this book may become completely successful in stepping in the ladders of success his life. English is the most powerful medium to access the latest knowledge and science and is the solid foundation of success and growth in this era."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":12477,"3":{"1":0,"3":1},"5":{"1":[{"1":2,"2":0,"5":{"1":2,"2":0}},{"1":0,"2":0,"3":3},{"1":1,"2":0,"4":1}]},"6":{"1":[{"1":2,"2":0,"5":{"1":2,"2":0}},{"1":0,"2":0,"3":3},{"1":1,"2":0,"4":1}]},"7":{"1":[{"1":2,"2":0,"5":{"1":2,"2":0}},{"1":0,"2":0,"3":3},{"1":1,"2":0,"4":1}]},"8":{"1":[{"1":2,"2":0,"5":{"1":2,"2":0}},{"1":0,"2":0,"3":3},{"1":1,"2":0,"4":1}]},"10":1,"15":"Calibri","16":11}" style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Calibri, Arial;">An Ordinary Hindi Speaking Person, after learning English speaking and writing through this book may become completely successful in stepping in the ladders of success his life. English is the most powerful medium to access the latest knowledge and science and is the solid foundation of success and growth in this era.</span><br></p>