Dr. Jeeva Jose completed Ph. D. in Computer Science from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India and is a faculty member at BPC College, Kerala. Her passion is teaching and areas of interests include world wide web, Data Mining and Cyber laws. She has been in higher education for the last 15 years and has completed three research projects funded by UGC and KSCSTE. She has published more than twenty research papers in various refereed journals and conference proceedings. She has edited three books and has given many invited talks in various conferences. She is a recipient of ACM-W Scholarship provided by Association for Computing Machinery, New York.
<p>Internet of Things (IoT) is a network comprising of machines, vehicles, home appliances, computers, micro controllers, sensors and actuators supported by application software and protocols. The study of IoT is the detailed understanding of these components. As per the estimates, by 2020 the connected things in IoT network will outnumber human beings in earth. Practical applications of IoT Technology is in every area like agriculture, construction management, health care, energy, transportation, education etc. The opportunity in business and job for IoT is increasing day by day.<br></p>