Leading Professional Learning Teams

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Author: Susan E Sather

Publisher: Corwin

Edition: 1st Edition

ISBN-13: 9781412965538

Publishing year: October 2009

No of pages: 168

Weight: 450 grm

Language: English

Book binding: Paperback

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Designed for school administrators, school leadership teams, and other teacher leaders, this resource provides essential guidelines for establishing effectiveáProfessional Learning Teams (PLTs)áTensure successful implementation, school leaders need support in taking the critical first steps toward creating job-embedded, collegial, schoolwide professional growth opportunities Susan E Sather provides a model for implementing PLTs and demonstrates howáschool leaders can lay the groundwork and provideáthe necessary support for the work of PLTs during both the planning and implementation stages Readers will find suggestions for creating the necessary conditions that lead tstrong and sustainable teamsáand for anticipating and dealing with potential challenges ... Read more Read less