RK Jha
<p>BOOK STRUCTURE</p><p>SNAP Solved Papers (2022-2005)</p><p>SNAP Mock Papers (1-5)</p><p>Answers</p><p>Answers with Explanations</p><p> </p><p>BOOK FEATURES</p><p>Especially designed for SNAP aspirants</p><p>Contains 17 years solved papers</p><p>Supports in analyzing trends and patterns of questions asked in recent years</p><p>5 Mock Test papers exactly as per the latest SNAP pattern</p><p>Coverage of every possible type of question from each individual section</p><p> </p><p>WHY THIS BOOK?</p><p>Revised Edition based on the current pattern of Examination</p><p>Specialised Practice material with a good number of questions</p><p>Well-explained answers to revise each concept efficiently</p><p>Prepares all the aspirants well to get admission to all the PG Programmes of Symbiosis International University</p>