Padmaja Udaykumar MD is Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, and Former Vice Dean, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka. She has a keen interest in medical education with an experience in teaching of more than 30 years and has been on the boards of studies of many universities. She has published several titles and this is the 22nd book in the series of textbooks meant for medical, dental, nursing, physiotherapy and pharmacy students. Her other publications brought out by CBSPD are Pharmacology Companion and Pharmacology for Pharmacy Students. She also has several research papers to her credit. She has rich experience in clinical pharmacology; conducted and coordinated several clinical trials; and has been advising clinicians on the appropriate and rational use of drugs. ... Read more Read less
Medical Pharmacology is the thoroughly revised, enlarged and updated edition of the popular textbook. The book retains its simplicity, lucidity and clarity of writing—the hallmark features well appreciated by the medical students as well as the teachers. The textbook covers all the topics as per the latest CBME Guidelines | Competency Based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate prescribed by Medical Council of India (now structured as National Medical Commission). Besides being the ‘must read’ for undergraduate medical students, the text also caters to the needs of the candidates preparing for postgraduate entrance and other competitive examinations. Students and teachers of dental sciences, pharmacy, nursing and other paramedical courses will find it particularly useful just like the other editions.