Ajai Singh MTech, PhD is currently Professor, Department of Water Engineering and Management, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India. He is a fellow of The Institution of Engineers (India) and life member of several reputed societies. He received his BTech in agricultural engineering in 1995 from AAI, Allahabad, MTech in 1997 and PhD in 2011. He worked as junior project officer in a project at IIT-Kharagpur and then as Assistant Professor at North Bengal Agricultural University, West Bengal. He joined Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, in 2013 as Associate Professor. He has to his credit more than 30 aricles published in technical journals, and edited four books. He has guided more than 40 MTech students and is supervising 5 PhD students. His area of active research is hydrological modeling, water resources planning and management, water policies, impact assessment studies, micro irrigation and groundwater hydrology. He has completed 21 social impact assessment projects of government of Jharkhand and has led a team to evaluate the detailed project report of check dam/weir to be taken up by Drinking Water and Sanitation Department, Jharkhand.
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