Suman Chattopadhyay has been, by far, the most famous Bengali media journalist over the past three decades. He was the executive editor of the largest circulated Bengali daily, Anandabazar Patrika, for about nine years. He was in charge of the team that launched the most popular Bengali TV news channel, Star Ananda. For three years, he was the owner and editor of a Bengali daily, Ek Din. Currently, he is the editor of The Times Group?s Bangla daily, Ei Samay. ... Read more Read less
?It was a grisly sight. The zeal and fervour with which the karsevaks were taking part in the demolition job sent a chill down our spines. Those who had no tools to use were scratching away like madmen with their fingernails on the domes. A few young men tied a noose around the domes and were trying to pull them down.? ... Read more Read less