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<p>BOOK STRUCTURE</p><p>1. NDA/NA Solved Papers (2023 & 2020)</p><p>2. Covers the entire syllabus into 4 major subjective heads: Mathematics, English, General Science, General Studies</p><p>BOOK FEATURES</p><p>1. Collection of 11 years of NDA/NA PYQs</p><p>2. Provide 21 solved papers for the NDA/NA exam</p><p>3. Sectionwise-Chapterwise arrangement of PYQs to focus on weak areas and improve systematically</p><p>4. Detailed explanations of all the questions to grasp the concept and enhance understanding</p><p>WHY THIS BOOK?</p><p>1. The book offers fully solved papers from multiple years, ensuring a complete understanding of the exam pattern and types of questions asked</p><p>2. A section of subjectwise-chapterwise trends analysis to know question types, difficulty levels, and weightage of topics over the years and help students focus on key areas</p><p>3. Contains a section of all about the examination, syllabus, and NDA important topics for preparation</p>