Jon S. Bailey, Ph.D., is a Professor of Psychology at Florida State University. Dr. Bailey is a past editor of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, the author of over 100 scholarly research articles, and was listed in the Behavior Analyst as the second most widely published author in applied behavior analysis. Dr. Bailey is an internationally recognized speaker on the topic of applied behavior analysis. He has given major addresses at conferences throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. He has guided over 50 doctoral candidates and many more master’s students through publishable dissertations. In this book, he tells the secrets to his success with practical advice that can make or break a study. ... Read more Read less
This very practical, how-to' text provides the beginning researcher with the basics of applied behaviour analysis research methods. The text covers all the elements of single-subject research design and provides practical information for designing, implementing and evaluating studies. ... Read more Read less