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Response tIntervention: A Practical Guide for Every Teacher shows general and special education teachers how tuse research-based interventions effectively tindividualize instruction, monitor individual student progress, and implement strategies tmeet the specific needs of the students Todays teachers roles and responsibilities have been transformed by NCLB and the reauthorization of IDEA in order tbenefit many children whare challenged by their academic content Prompted by several legislative measures, response tintervention (RTI) provides strategies for documenting the existence or non-existence of a learning disability All educators will become involved in implementation of programs tdemonstrate how students respond on an individual basis tvarious educational interventionsùmost often in the general education classroom This resource is intended as a practical guide tassist teachers with the challenge of what, for many, will be a new instructional procedure Offering vignettes, examples, and forms based on the problem-solving and standards-based approach tRTI, this practical guide gives teachers the basic and necessary steps tsuccessfully provide their students with a fair and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment