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Students cultural and linguistic differences are often mistaken for learning and/or behavioural disabilities On the other hand, these cultural and linguistic differences may actually mask a students disability Despite significant advances in the understanding of effective teaching practices for culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students, including limited English proficient (LEP) and English language learners (ELL), the transfer of research tpractice remains elusive In Seven Steps tSeparating Difference From Disability, Catherine Collier introduces the PRISIM process (the Pyramid of Resiliency, Instruction, Strategies Intervention, and Monitoring) for use within an RTI framework PRISIMs seven steps ensure that diverse students with special needs are not disproportionately identified for special services and that all students with special needs have those needs met in the most appropriate manner This book contains: - A 7-step process for separating difference from disability within an RTI framework - Resource materials for implementing the process - Reproducible forms - Recommended reading materials - Case studies - Self-study assessment worksheet - Glossary ... Read more Read less