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About the Reading Puzzle SeriesIn her best-selling book Teach Them All TRead, Elaine McEwan provides a great discussion of the most current reading research regarding how students learn tread seducators can make informed decisions about instruction Research about reading has given us insight intthe skills on which we need tfocus our efforts timprove reading and comprehension Now we can identify the skills that require reinforcement and intervene with explicit, thoughtful instruction The activities in The Reading Puzzle series will help the teacher accomplish this goalThe Reading Puzzle series provides instructional tools teachers can use immediately as part of the reading curriculum The Reading Puzzle series contains 10 books for Kindergarten through Grade 8 centered on the skills identified by the National Reading Panel as critical treading success Each of these books in the series helps unlock one piece of the reading puzzle and contains standards-based, ready-to-use activities that can be used tsupplement any reading programPhonemic Awareness, Grades K-3 Phonics, Grades K-3Vocabulary, Grades K-3Fluency, Grades K-3Comprehension, Grades K-3Word Analysis, Grades 4-8Spelling, Grades 4-8Vocabulary, Grades 4-8Fluency, Grades 4-8Comprehension, Grades 4-8These activity books contain ready-to-use activities that make it easy tput McEwans highly-successful strategies intpractice The strategies and activities will support struggling readers and enhance existing skill tencourage improvement in all students reading skillsPhonics, Grades K-3 Phonics plays a critical role in reading instruction Without a solid foundation in phonics, students will continually struggle with literacy Explicit, systematic, supportive phonics instruction, taught as stand-alone instructional component but within the context of a print-rich classroom environment with a significant literature base, is an absolutely essential (although certainly not sufficient) piece of the reading puzzleùparticularly for at-risk students The activities in this resource are presented in an order that will help you deliver explicit and systematic phonics instructionConsonantsShort Vowels and Long VowelsConsonant Blends and DigraphsSight WordsCompound WordsThis resource offers many engaging and stimulating activities tteach students how tdiscern the similarities and differences between letters and sounds The activities include chants and games that will motivate students and encourage them tpractice and further develop their phonics skills The ideas alsaddress different learning styles tmeet the needs of all students These activities can be used during whole-group or small-group instruction as well as in independent learning stations The activities include many ready-to-use reproducibles that require very little preparation This will help give you more teaching time tspend providing differentiated instruction in workshop The lesson content in Phonics K-3 not only provides an explicit and systematic course of instruction but alsoffers high-interest activities tkeep students on target Phonics instruction is a key foundation for learning tread and is necessary tensure that your students will become lifelong readers ... Read more Read less