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The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology provides comprehensive coverage of the qualitative methods, strategies and research issues in psychology, combining how-to-do-it summaries with an examination of historical and theoretical foundations Examples from recent research are used tillustrate how each method has been applied, the data analyzed and insights gained Chapters provide a state of the art review, take stock of whats been achieved sfar and map trajectories for future developments As such, the book will constitute a valuable resource for both experienced qualitative researchers and novices for many years tcomeThe Handbook is divided intthree main sections:Part 1: Methods contains fourteen chapters on methodological approaches, ranging from established ones like Ethnography and Grounded Theory tmore recent ones such as Memory Work Part 2: Perspectives & Techniques includes chapters on Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research, key alternative standpoints such as Feminism, the use of computer technologies and the internet in qualitative research Part 3: Applications reviews qualitative methods applied to13 sub-disciplines ranging from Cognitive tPost-colonial Psychology Intended Audience This volume will be an excellent reference resource for advanced students, lecturers and researchers whhave a wish or need tlearn about trends and developments related tqualitative research in psychology ... Read more Read less