The Teacher's Concise Guide to Functional Behavioral Assessment

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Author: Raymond Jefferson Waller

Publisher: Corwin

Edition: 1st Edition

ISBN-13: 9781412966047

Publishing year: February 2009

No of pages: 136

Weight: 340 grm

Language: English

Book binding: Hardcover

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Offers great suggestions on how tread and interpret important information for children with behavioral issuesùRamona Marquez, Director of Special EducationHatch Valley Public Schools, Hatch, NMBecause every behavior has a reason behind ità Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is a highly effective, student-centered approach timproving challenging behavior The method helps educators figure out why students act the way they dand then make the appropriate environmental or instructional adjustmentsIdeal for general and special educators new tFBAs, this concise, accessible guidebook offers a practical overview of how tuse classroom and behavioral assessment data tmake the learning environment enjoyable for allùincluding the teacher Readers will learn how to:Identify and understand the underlying factors of challenging behavior Observe, collect, and analyze classroom dataAdopt evidence-based intervention strategies tcorrect problem behaviorPrepare a proactive plan for serious disruptionsBlending light-hearted humor with personal experiences and case studies, the author provides concrete methods for positive, effective behavioral intervention ... Read more Read less