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The reader comes away with strategies for implementation and the confidence tcreate win-win classrooms and support students in self-management —JAnn Freiberg, Educational Consultant When it comes tstudent behavior challenges in the classroom, conventional practices and punitive discipline codes often fail tmotivate students tchange their attitudes or behavior Recognized for defining a nontraditional approach that really works, Jane Bluestein offers educators ways tprevent discipline problems, build student accountability, and end frustrating power struggles with kids of all ages This authoritative, research-based guidebook discusses the impact of stress, brain functioning, learning styles, and social and emotional issues on student behavior Youll find examples, guidelines, charts, and anecdotes, along with practical, powerful, and effective ideas thelp you: Avoid falling intthe rules and punishment trap Establish win-win authority relationships while defusing conflict and opposition Build a positive, caring, and emotionally safe learning climate Encourage student cooperation, motivation, self-management, and on-task behavior Engage even the most defiant, defeated, or resistant learner by using powerful alternative strategies The Win-Win Classroom will change the way you interact with students and help you build a positive social culture within your school and classroom