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<p class="MsoNormal"><b>Contents:-</b> Traffic engineering administration and functions, The road user and the vehicle, Speed, journey time and delay surveys, Vehicle volume counts, classification and occupancy, Origin-Destination survey, Parking surveys, Use of photographic techniques in traffic survey, Statistical methods for traffic engineering, Speed studies, Traffic forecasting, Geometric design, Parking, Traffic signs, Road markings, Traffic signals, miscellaneous traffic control aids and street furniture, Regulation of traffic, Road accidents-Caused and prevention, Street lighting, Transportation system management, Highway capacity, Scope, definitions and basis diagram of traffic, Car following theory, The queuing theory and its application to traffic engineering problems, Vehicle arrivals, headways and gaps, Delay to traffic at uncontrolled intersections, Simulation of traffic, Transport planning process, Transportation survey, Trip generation, Trip distribution, Traffic assignment, Modal split, Evaluation, Land-use transport models, Transport planning for small and medium sized cities, Economic evaluation of transportation plans, Vehicle operating costs, Value of travel time savings, Accidents costs, Traffic congestion, traffic restraints and road pricing, Nature of traffic problems in cities, Public transport in cities, Intermediate public transport in Indian cities, Traffic and the environment, Fuel crisis and transportation, Transport modes, technology and selection, Application of information technology in transportation, Public-Private partnership in transport projects, Logistics in transport, Index. <o:p></o:p></p>