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Research-Based Practical Strategies for Every Teacher Imagine you’re sitting at a table surrounded by superstars in secondary education - experienced educators who have made outstanding contributions to the field. And they’re all eager to share with you what does – and what does not - work with students today. What Works in Secondary Education compiles the advice of experts who not only know the theory behind certain educational practices, but have also spent time working in the secondary classroom – making this experience available to you at any time. In each user-friendly chapter, key information on a topic vital to secondary educators is boiled down and presented in a straightforward way. Whether you’re a new educator, or just seeking to build new skills, you’ll benefit from Insight into a handful of innovative topics in instruction; including using technology, UDL, co-teaching, and assessment Novel approaches for classroom management and strategies to engage students Chapters focused on effective methods for teaching within content areas Practical tips for reaching all learners; including ELLs, students with autism, and gifted students Useful reproducibles and resources for every topic area Never before has so much valuable information been presented so simply and effectively in one resource. Are you ready to focus on what works best? ... Read more Read less