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The Koran (or Quran) is the sacred text of Muslims. As per the traditional Islamic accounts the Koran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by Allah himself. It was written in a poetical style in classical Arabic. This dictionary is supposed to be an authoritative work of its kind based on noted German Indologist Gustav Leberecht Flugel’s edition of the Koran which was published in 1834. Numerous lexicons used in the Koran were translated into English as several of the Arabic terms are obscure to modern Arabic speakers as well. Highly recommended for those who are interested in Quranic and classical Arabic Islamic studies and the manuscript tradition of the Quran's compilation. About the Author John Penrice (18181892) was a British soldier photographer and orientalist. He published his work The Valley of Nile which is a collection of photography taken from Egypt and Nubia.
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