Africa, Cultural Studies and Difference

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Author: Keyan G. Tomaselli and Handel Kashope Wright

Publisher: Routledge publisher

ISBN-13: 9780415617420

Publishing year: 2022

No of pages: 190

Weight: 454grams

Book binding: Hardcover

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Keyan G. Tomaselli is a renowned scholar in cultural and media studies, with a focus on African cinema, indigenous knowledge systems, and semiotics. He has contributed extensively to research on visual anthropology and cultural representation in Africa. Tomaselli has held prestigious academic positions and has published widely on topics related to African identity, globalization, and media studies. Handel Kashope Wright is a distinguished professor in cultural studies, education, and identity politics. His work explores themes of multiculturalism, African diaspora studies, and social justice. Wright has been instrumental in shaping discourse around cultural diversity and globalization, particularly in relation to Africa and its diasporic communities. ... Read more Read less

Buy Africa Cultural Studies and Difference by Keyan G Tomaselli and Handel Kashope Wright online at Sriina This book explores African cultural identity traditions and differences in a globalized world Perfect for students and researchers in cultural studies anthropology and African studies Shop now at an affordable price with fast delivery -offers a seamless shopping experience for academic books Order today to expand your understanding of African culture and its global significance

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