Bruno Dorin is a renowned economist specializing in agricultural policies, rural development, and sustainability. He has extensively researched India's agricultural sector, analyzing economic incentives and their impact on sustainable development. His work bridges the gap between policy and practice, offering valuable insights into the future of farming in India. Thomas Jullien is an expert in economic development and agrarian studies, focusing on policy frameworks that drive sustainability. His research delves into historical trends and future pathways for agricultural growth. Together, Dorin and Jullien provide a comprehensive analysis of India's agricultural incentives and their role in shaping sustainable development. ... Read more Read less
Buy Agricultural Incentives in India Past Trends and Prospective Paths Towards Sustainable Development by Bruno Dorin and Thomas Jullien online at Sriina. This book explores past agricultural policies and their impact on sustainability while offering insights into future strategies for development. A valuable resource for researchers policymakers and students it provides in depth analysis of India's farming incentives. Shop now at an affordable price and gain a better understanding of how agricultural reforms can shape the future. Order this essential book online from Sriina and enhance your knowledge of sustainable agriculture.
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