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This book “An Evidence-Based Clinical Textbook in Obstetrics & Gynaecology for MRCOG-2” is an effort to not only help all aspirants, specialists and practitioners who are planning to appear for MRCOG-2 examination, but also for those healthcare professionals who are interested in women’s healthcare or are planning to appear for MRCOG examinations (inclusive of all the parts).<br><br> This is up-to-date title covers the latest professional evidence-based guidelines as recommended by The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), Green-Top Guidelines, etc.<br><br> in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology.<br><br> The book also highlights all the updated guidelines and recommendations along with the latest figures for maternal and perinatal mortality by MBRRACE-UK (2016).<br><br> It provides numerous well-illustrated and well-defined Flow charts, Tables and Boxes along with real clinical photographs to facilitate clinical understanding of the topic in question.<br><br> This comprehensive textbook is categorised into three parts: Part I (General); Part II (Obstetrics); and Part III (Gynaecology), which are organised into 17 sections and 93 chapters, written as per the current MRCOG-2 curriculum (available from the RCOG website).<br><br> The book discussed of all the relevant topics related to the general principles of medical/ surgical practice, and management in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology.<br><br> This is further segregated into sections like general principles of medical practice, antenatal period, medical disorders during pregnancy, complications in the early pregnancy, foetal complications (diagnosis and management), intrapartum period, postpartum period, urogynaecological and pelvic floor abnormalities, complications specific to pregnancy, delivery and its complications, the newborn infant, general gynaecology, abnormalities of menstruation, reproductive medicine, gynaecological infections as well as gynaecological oncology and pregnancy prevention.<br><br> The text has been organised in form of a predefined template, including headings such as introduction, aetiology/ indications, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, management, complications, clinical pearls and evidence-based medicine.<br><br> This style facilitates innovative learning and offers all the required information, which a specialist registrar or senior house officer requires during his/ her training, or for all overseas applicants preparing for MRCOG-2 as well as MRCOG-1 and MRCOG-3.<br><br> In a nutshell, this book would serve as an invaluable companion not only for the doctors aiming towards higher training in obstetrics and gynaecology; it would also serve as a ready source of reference for those who are in established practice.<br><br>