Brand Management Practices — Issues and Trends

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Author: Sasikumar & Chandrasekar

Publisher: Himalaya Publishing House

Edition: 1st Edition

ISBN-13: 9789350248188

Publishing year: 2017

No of pages: 286

Weight: 468 grm

Language: English

Book binding: Paperback

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Branding in India has taken to serious proportions in the wake of changes happening in the public sector when the liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation started to unfold. Even though, private sector had created the need for branding and having best practices in corporate management using brand as a weapon, the real battle in the market has only started during the early nineties. With the stock markets showing positive trends since mid-nineties, the importance of corporate branding and brand exposure for maximum eyeballs have generated innovative practices in enhancing the image of the brand in operation. There have been many new brands, acquired brands and old brands which have been given separate profit-orientation and sustainability. Now this has started a focus on brand as a unique selling proposition. This edited volume is a compilation collected on brand practices which arc meant to bring into focus the Indian branding and its impact on the global scenario. This has been necessitated with the Indian players of late moving global through the South Asian and African markets. Apart from the localised, regionalised and national branding, the international focus needs also to be given a thrust. The focal area of the book will be on: Brand names and their relevance to the business and as a proven track record of success. Brand positioning its impact on the success and failure of brands. Corporate and individual branding - effects on customer relationship. Brand strategies in diversified industries with thrust on innovative practices. Brand equity measurement and developing models on brand equity on international and national scenario −issues on brand identity, brand loyalty and brand awareness. Promotions the use of integrated marketing communication and advertising in establishing brands on short-term and long-term focus. Contents : Module 1 : What is a Brand and Why Branding? 1. Marketing and Branding − Issues and Challenges 2. Brand − A Unique Differentiator 3. Brand Marketing Scenario in India 4. Brand Marketing Practices in India 5. Customer Care in Brand Marketing Practices 6. The Market Share of Selected Brands of White Goods in India 7. Issues and Challenges Before Indian Brands 8. Branding and Rural Markets 9. Mpeda as a Brand and Its Marketing Strategies 10. Brand Marketing Practices of Mobile Instrument in India 11. The Subsidy Package Under Cluster Development for the Sustainable Growth of SSI Sector in an Organised Branding in Kerala 12. New Perspectives of Retail Brands in India Module 2 : Branding Issues-Extension, Positioning and New Brand Management 13. Brand Extension − An Emerging Strategy of Marketing 14. A Study of the Extent of Similarities and Dissimilarities in Perceptions of Individuals from the Same Target Group Towards Brand Positioning Through Advertising 15. New Brand Management − Challenges and Opportunities in India 16. Brand Failures and Success Analysis: A Brand Marketing Study 17. Joint Sales Promotion in India−Innovations Beckon Module 3 : Brand Strategies − International and Indian Studies 18. Brand Strategies−Case Study of Hindustan Unilever Limited 19. Creating Brand Strategies for Real India 20. Brand Strategies in the Indian Context 21. Insurance Branding and Marketing − A Study at Kottayam 22. Brand Strategies in Bagalkot District 23. Corporate Brand and Individual Brand − Effect on CR 24. Branding Gujarat 25. Ethnic Garments − A Study on the Consumer`s Preference for Branded Ethnic Wear 26. A Study on Consumption Pattern, Brand Preference and Influencing Brand Attributes of Ice-Cream 27. Issues in Brand Strategies and Brand Image Module 4 : Brand Equity − Issues and Challenges 28. Action/Attitude Model for Global Brand Building − An Insight for Indian Companies 29. Brand Loyalty and Brand Equity − Issues 30. Effective Brand Image Creation : Steps 31. Brand Building in the Indian Context 32. An Insight on Awareness of Tata Nano 33. MTR − Heritage Branding and Brand Equity 34. Brand Equity in Indian Banking 35. Brand marketing in Rural India. 36. Branding Kerala`s SSI Products in the E-World to Cope Challenges of Indian Retail Sector − Challenges in Retail Branding ... Read more Read less