Building and Connecting Learning Communities

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Author: Steven Katz

Publisher: Corwin

Edition: 1st Edition

ISBN-13: 9781412966016

Publishing year: October 2009

No of pages: 136

Weight: 280 grm

Language: English

Book binding: Paperback

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Ideal for school leaders, teacher leaders, and superintendents leading district-level change, this book describes how separate professional learning communities can be purposefully linked across schools tcreate effective Networked Learning Communities (NLCs) Steven Katz, Lorna M Earl, and Sonia Ben Jaafar demonstrate how NLCs can effectively engage schools in creating and sharing professional knowledge and develop the kind of deep and sustained changes that enhance student learning, engagement, and successBased on the authorsÆ research and work with districts and schools in North America and England, the book defines NLCs, explains how they work, and leads readers in examining:The importance of having a clear, evidence-based focusCollaborative inquiry as a process that challenges thinking and practice and generates new learning for teachersThe role of formal and informal leaders in both professional learning communities and networked learning communitiesBuilding and Connecting Learning Communities demonstrates how twork together tcreate the conditions for focused professional learning for teachers and tackles the challenge of how tsustain the work of NLCs ... Read more Read less