Clinical Assessment And Management Ofchildhood Psychiatric Disorders 2Ed (Pb 2024) (Cbs Series In Child Psychiatry)

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Author: Savita Malhotra

Publisher: CBS Publishers

Edition: 2nd edition

ISBN-13: 9788123922096

Publishing year: 2013

No of pages: 232

Weight: 500 gram

Book binding: Paperback

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Savita Malhotra is Professor and Head Department of Psychiatry Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh a prestigious institute and centre of excellence for tertiary health care in northern India. With an experience of working in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry for over 30 years she has published numerous research articles book chapters and books. She has been a WHO Fellow and a British Council Fellow to receive training in child and adolescent psychiatry in the US and the UK. She is an internationally well recognized and highly acclaimed clinician teacher and a researcher in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry. ... Read more Read less

Childhood Psychiatric Disorders provides an insightful account of clinical approach and theoretical underpinnings of the process of assessment and management of psychiatric disorders seen in children and adolescents.

It gives the rationale for the scheme the system to be followed and the step-by-step guidance into comprehensive evaluation of children and adolescents seen in psychiatric clinics. The book is written in a simple and readable style and derives value from long experience and vast expertise of the author in having clinical insights based on the treatment of thousands of children and their families. An essential textbook for all postgraduate students of psychiatry and pediatrics postdoctoral students of child and adolescent psychiatry and clinical child psychologists it also has tremendous value for practicing psychiatrists and pediatricians who are routinely called upon to treat child and adolescent psychiatric disorders.

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