Communal and Pan-Islamic Trends in Colonial India (Second Revised and Enlarged Edition)

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Author: Mushirul Hasan
Publisher: Manohar Publishers
ISBN-13: 9789394262652
Publishing year: January 2022
No of pages: 444
Weight: 640 g
Book binding: Hardcover

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<p>This book is a collection of 20 papers on communal and pan-Islamic trends in British India. The contributors are well-known historians and political scientists who have made communal and Muslim politics a subject of their special study. The papers representing varied points of view focus on different aspects of the Khilafat and Non-cooperation movements on communal riots on communal consciousness in literature on the part played by religion in ‘Muslim politics’ and on the historiography of communalism in India. Regional studies on Assam and the Central Provinces cover areas left untouched by earlier studies on the Khilafat movement and on communal relations. Most of these papers were first presented at two seminars organized by the Department of History Jamia Millia Islamia in 1979 and 1980. The book should be valuable to libraries and to all those interested in exploring the dynamics of communalism in twentieth century British India. It will no doubt advance our understanding of the issues and themes discussed and analysed by the contributors. About the Author Mushirul Hasan (1949-2018) taught Modern Indian History at the Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi. He also served as Director-General of the National Archives of India.</p>