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A book on 'Company Law' as per choice based credit system for B.Com. (Pass) students of Delhi University. The book has several distinctive features. These include the following : - Comprehensively covers the course content requirements of the students appearing in the paper 'Company Law' at B.Com. (Pass) Semester III Examination, Delhi University respectively. - Written in simple stratight style. - Gives a lucid explanation of the basic provisions of law with plenty of illustrations supported by case laws. - Incorporates at the end of each chapter : Objective type questions with short answers to enable the students to test their understanding, Eassy type questions for review, discussion and practice, Practical problems with short answers for sharpening the knowledge of students. - Subject matter presented in small but complete chapters. Each chapter covering a topic with all relevant details. - Provides Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter to tell what the students will learn after studying the chapter. - Defines Key Terms introduced, at the end of each chapter, for recapitulation and better grasp over the subject. - Incorporates in the preliminary pages topic wise coverage of the relevant syllabus in the book. - Bound to prove a refreshing guide for business executives. Contents - 1. Company and its Forms 2. Formation of a Company 3. Memorandum of Association 4. Articles of Association 5. Issues and Prospectus 6. Allotment of Shares 7. Shares and Share Capital 8. Membership of Company 9. Meetings and Proceedings 10. Managerial Personnel and their Remuneration 11. Directors 12. Other Managerial Personnel 13. Secretary 14. Accounts, Audit and Investigation 15. Corporate Governance 16. Dividends and Bonus 17. Winding Up 18. Company Law in a Computerized Environment : E-Filing 19. Other Companies ... Read more Read less