Essential Skills for a Medical Teacher-3E

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Author: Ronald Harden, Jennifer Laidlaw
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Edition: 3rd Edition
ISBN-13: 9780702078545
Publishing year: 12-Aug-2020
No of pages: 354
Weight: 520 grm
Book binding: Paperback

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"Ronald Harden Professor Ronald M Harden is recognised as a leading international expert in medical education with experience as a teacher, curriculum developer, and teaching dean of a medical school. He is currently General Secretary of AMEE, an International Association for Medical Education. Affiliations and Expertise Professor (Emeritus) Medical Education, University of Dundee, UK, Editor Medical Teacher Jennifer Laidlaw Affiliations and Expertise Formerly Assistant Director, Education Development Unit, Scottish Council for Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education and the University of Dundee, Dundee, UK"

<p>Perfect for new teachers in undergraduate, postgraduate, or continuing education, as well as more experienced educators who want to assess, improve, and gain new perspectives on teaching and learning, Essential Skills for a Medical Teacher is a useful, easy-to-read professional resource. This book offers a concise introduction to the field of medical education, with key coverage of educational models and theory that can help inform teaching practice. Clear illustrations and practical tips throughout make it an excellent starting point for those new to the field of medical education or who want to facilitate more effective learning for their students or trainees.</p>