Famous Murder Trials, (Covering more than 75 murder cases in India)

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Author: P K Das
Publisher: Universal Law Publishing - An imprint of LexisNexis
Edition: 2nd
ISBN-13: 9789351439943
Publishing year: 2016-05-01
No of pages: 264
Weight: 400 grm
Language: English
Book binding: Paperback

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P K Das

Universal's Famous Murder Trials Covering More Than 76 Cases in India by P. K. Das, 2016 Edn., ISBN : 9789351439943. This book describes famous and important murder cases. these murder cases are important in as much as some of these cases are relating to murder of the famous and popular personalities and the rest of them, although not involving famous personalities, are of such grave and cruel nature which shake the conscience of the Community.